Saturday, February 23, 2008

St. Andrews Church

St. Andrews Church
Originally uploaded by Robert Scott Photography

St. Andrews Church in Belleville, Ontario is a beautiful location where I photographed a wedding near the end of 2007. At the time, I didn't have any knowledge of HDRI (High Dynamic Range Imagery). I'd seen some absolutely stunning photographs on Flickr tagged with HDR and in HDR groups, but hadn't taken the time to read up on the process or try it out for myself.

Recently, I took up the task of learning the whole HDR process and now there's no looking back! I find myself now taking drives, just looking for interesting locations to turn into these amazing HDR images!

For this one, I returned to St. Andrew's Church on Feb 15th for the sole purpose of creating HDR Images. This was pretty early in the morning, and I'd like to pass on again my sincere thanks to the Church's care-taker who allowed my entry and gave me unlimited time to fiddle with the camera and tripod.

So far, this is the only Church I've had a chance to shoot and convert to HDR, but after seeing the result, I know there will be many more in the future!

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