Saturday, February 23, 2008

Old Photo Effect

Old Photo Effect
Originally uploaded by Robert Scott Photography

For those of you who know me well, you've probably heard me speak of our family's cottage on the Canadian side of the 1000 Islands (St. Lawrence River).

As far back as I can remember, my family would spend the whole summer break each year on the island. I have so many memories rooted in my time on the Island, they are the best memories of my child-hood. For the last four or five years, I've only been able to get out to the Island for a couple days during the summer and am hoping to have the opportunity to spend a lot more time there in the coming years.

This photograph of the Island was taken in 2005. I brought this into Photoshop, applied a texture to the main photograph, converted to black & white and used the outline of an old piece of paper to create the edges.

The comments on Flickr have been great so far! One person states that it looks like an old photo that one might find in a thrift shop! That's exactly what I was going for!

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