Reverse Lens Macro 002 - word "Cents" on a Canadian Quarter
Originally uploaded by Robert Scott Photography
The word "cents" on a canadian quarter. I believe the letters are about 2.5 millimeters high.
The word "cents" on a canadian quarter. I believe the letters are about 2.5 millimeters high.
Details not recognizable by the human eye. Because they're too small! This is the edge of a regular Canadian Quarter.
What I've done is mounted my 70-300mm Tele-Macro on my Nikon D80, and extended to 300mm. I've then taken my 50mm F/1.8 and held it REVERSED to the end of the Tele-Macro. The result? Magnification like I never thought was possible with camera lenses!
One of my moon photographs from the eclipse on the 20th of Feb. This effect is achieved with the Flood plugin for photoshop!
Another experiment with food coloring. This one was thought to look like a drop of blood into a sink... at least in the thoughts of one friend...
For this one, I had my lovely assistant Sherry dropping green food coloring into a white bowl of water. I just love the effect here of one drop that has already hit and another one only a millisecond away from hitting.
This photograph I'm really liking more and more each day. It was actually taken during the day in perfectly bright blue skies!